Take A Moment To Make A Moment

Posted 4 years ago

Take A Moment to Make A Moment

Life prior to Covid-19 often included meetings where examples of tag lines that could be used to help our peers and patients in our clinic were brought forward. One of these was, “Take a Moment to Make a Moment.”

Take A Moment to Make A Moment

Spending a quick minute of our day to unselfishly pour an ounce of ourselves into the life of someone else. Sounds easy, right? Every one of us would or could commit to making that a priority each day, not knowing the circumstances that patients or peers might be in at that moment. Well, times have changed, haven’t they?

Screening at the doors of clinics, patients only in the offices, self-quarantines, social distancing, and the fear of the unknown have become our new normal.

I have learned some valuable lessons playing competitive sports. Without getting too deep, a few of those lessons included to never panic, be able to adjust on the fly, and the most important lesson I learned was to focus ONLY on what I could control.

As I write this, in the midst of this crisis, I think back to those lessons I mentioned above. What an excellent opportunity we have to make this tagline our daily reality.

We have the ability to “control” moments for so many patients and families.

  1. Take a few extra seconds to listen to a patient’s concern on the phone.
  2. Inquire about their needs and the ability to get goods and services.
  3. Always smile through your masks.
  4. Give our patients a sense of calm and compassion.

Isn’t that what it means to “Take A Moment to Make A Moment?”


Jason Williamson Take A Moment to Make A Moment

Jason Williamson Take A Moment to Make A Moment

About Jason Williamson

Jason Williamson has been part of the Ironwood family since 2016.  Jason serves as an Office Manager for Ironwood’s Scottsdale and Phoenix locations.

After spending a number of years in the Golf industry, Jason made the switch to healthcare after looking after his father who had a non-curable cancer diagnosis.  This “new” passion for oncology healthcare, quickly replaced the passion for golf.  Jason went back to school, completing a Bachelor’s in Public Health Administration and dedicating his work to helping patients beat cancer as long as he can.

In addition to his passion for golf, Jay enjoys spending time with his family and coaching his two boys in multiple sports throughout the year.

About Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers

Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers (ICRC) is the largest multi-specialty oncology network in the Greater Metro Phoenix area. They have over 100 medical providers, a robust Integrative Services program and a dedicated clinical research department. Ironwood Cancer & Research Centers has 15 valley locations and five comprehensive cancer care centers that offer a multi-disciplinary approach for expedited personalized patient care. For more information, please visit our website at www.ironwoodcrc.com.